Monday, January 19, 2015

SharePoint 2013 Usage reports empty

I have been working to get our out of the box usage reports working in our SharePoint 2013 environment.  Despite having everything configured, and the audit tracking turned on, the report was coming back blank.  As it turned out, the receivers were missing from my analytic and page usage definitions.  The data was being collected in the data base, just not pushed to the report.  In order to fix this I ran the following PowerShell Scripts.

I found my answer here

Below are the jobs I ran and steps to fix it.

Add-PSSnapin - this cmdlet added registered Windows PowerShell snap-ins to the current session so you can use the cmdlets  and providers in the current session.  Without this your scripts will get and error when they are run.

Check to see if the analytic usage definition receivers are empty.

Check to see if the page requests usage definition receivers are empty.

Create the receivers.
Recycle the timer jobs.

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